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3D printer filament PET-G black

3D Filament PET-G 1,75mm black

Product no.: PET-G BL
On Sale (Best Seller)

w/o taxes: 13.62 $
w/ taxes: 13.62 $ + regional taxes might apply
This is our most expensive picking type. Someone has to open a bag, count your items and put the bag back in the warehouse.
Shipping time: 1-2 business days Ex Works
Estimated stock:
This is a quantity that is available in our current supply chain. The shipping time give us the possibility to mouve the product to the right place at low cost.
Shipping time: 1-2 business days Ex Works
Products description

Material: PET-G
Diameter: 1,75mm
Weight: 1kg net
Hot end: 220-250 °C
Heating bed: 70 °C, Print on Aluminium or a PCB Printbed (not Glass !.. as it can crack when you remove the print)
It is recommended to use a cleaning sponge filament.

Explanation and technical informations:

meffken 09.06.2020 11:28:32
5 of 5 Stars!
Hello, I mainly use PETG of different brands with good and bad. I just used this PETG and find it very easy to print, even easier than some PLA, it's very stiff. Buy with your eyes closed. In the hope that there will be no change of supplier.

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